Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I forgot a title.

I got lectured today for using a credit card to buy my kids food at McDonalds over 3 months ago. He also grounded Brenna for 2 weeks, and "informed" me that Chris needs to clean his room. I was "asked" if I remembered to give Chris his medication this morning, and told to write down a password before I forget it. Yesterday it was me wanting to take Chris to karate when I'm supposed to be conserving gas.

For some reason I get the feeling I'm not doing a good enough job as a mom now that he works 2nd shift.

But I'm pretty sure I've got this. I was a broke, single parent for a long time, and did just fine.

My head itches sooooo bad, and my eyes are miserable and watery. I want this day to be over.

I don't really have anything planned today other than vacuuming and dishes.

Zac is upset because Brenna needs him to drop a tshirt off at the school before work. Well I'd take it in, but I'm conserving gas.

Okay, I'm done being a bitch about it.. for now!

I really want a pop. I need to take a shower. One of these has to happen now, so I'll be right back.


Shower, check. Vacuum, check. I really was going to wash dishes, but it doesn't seem to be happening. I wish I had a maid solely for dishes.

I'm watching The Big Bang Theory where Amy gives Penny a giant painting of them. I love this episode! It's 2nd only to the one where Sheldon gives Amy a tiara. That is hilarious!

Ramen noodles or corn dogs? That is the decision for the moment.

I really should go do some dishes. Booo.

I was just told my house smells like jelly beans, and I have a lot of stuff. Kids are hungry. This could be a problem.

I hate when the back of my knees sweat.

Chris and Chas are discussing the fact that the Annoying Orange gang can't really have a pillow fight because they don't have hands. *That's* the part that disturbs them?

My house does smell good right now. Yay Scentsy!

There's really not enough posting going on on Facebook today. I need entertained people! Let's get on that!

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