Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Chris has a book that basically just includes a bunch of things that are "impossible" .. like folding a piece of paper in half 10 times or whatever. Something I've noticed about when he reads it is that he refuses to accept that each task is impossible. Even after trying things over and over (and failing) .. He announces "Well, *this* is how you *could* do it.." and comes up with some fairly good solutions. Even if they're not really plausible solutions. What I think is amazing is that he doesn't just blindly believe what he reads to be the absolute truth, and even when his experiences seem to point to the book being right, he chooses to come at it in another direction and find scenarios to challenge the "reality".

I LOVE this about him. I have a feeling he's going to .. I don't know, change something. Or discover something. A scientist. A researcher.

He's going to make impossibles possible.

I'm not explaining this like I'd like to. But my point is in there somewhere.

Yes people, *this* is our future.. Hopefully not the future of fashion..
Brenna is different. Not at all worse, just different. She is talented, at ease being in front of people, and genuinely a caring individual. Her ability to calm her little brother within seconds always astounds me. I see her as a leader. A teacher. Music, acting and her faith will always fit into her life somewhere. She is going to mold the minds of others, and improve individuals from the inside out. I often find myself wondering how she managed to develop so many of her LyndsayDad's qualities.

It's true. My kids are pretty neat.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Yay for rain!

It's no secret that I love sleep. Lately though, I've been not wanting to go to bed. When it's time to get up I'd gladly skip out on getting up.. but if I have any choice other than heading to bed to start the going to sleep process, I'll choose any other choice. Maybe because laying in bed so itchy is so frustrating. I don't know. Just mentioning.

It's raining this morning! The weather has officially cooled off, and that makes life bearable again.

I spent the last 4 days going through, and anally sorting every picture on my computer.

I'm so sweaty.

Zac freaks out because the cats get on top of stuff and knock things off. Well, they never seem to knock things over until he screams at them and/or flicks them in the head which scares the crap out of them so they jump off, kicking everything in their path of escape onto the floor?

But, once again I'm wrong.

And I get to pick everything up.

I wish we had light bulbs.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Breakfast Tacos.

Sometimes I just put Chris's socks and shoes on him in the morning because I'm unmotivated to fight him about it.

Me: "Give me your feet"
Chris: "I did"
Me: "No, they're still bundled up under your blanket"
Chris: "Oh." *sticks out his feet*
Me: *puts his socks and shoes on him* "Okay, where's your third foot?"
Chris: "I only have 2"
Me: "Really. When did that happen?"
Chris: "I was born with only 2"
Me: "Aww, that's sad!"
Chris: "You must have ordered me that way"


Me: "What do you want for breakfast?"
Chris: "Soft shelled tacos"
Me: "I don't have time to make tacos"
Chris: "You would if you would start waking me up at 5 like I wanted"
Me: "No thanks"
Chris: "I'll take ice cream then"
Me: "Only if you sing my praises"
Chris: *singing softly without even opening his eyes* o/~"My mommy is so cool. She is the best. I love her. Oh how I love my mom. Yay for mommies."o/~ Etc.
Me: "That was actually really sweet, thanks"
Chris: "I don't know why you're surprised. I've always been talented."

Zac just came out of the bedroom, announced "It's early.", grabbed his phone and went back to bed.

I gave in and cleaned up the living room floor. I didn't vacuum yet though.


I just asked Chris what his sticker on his shirt was for..
Chris: "I don't know"
Me: "Is it because you're the teacher's favorite?"
Chris: "Maybe, or might be because my smile lights up the room."