Friday, March 30, 2012

Fevers, I got 'em.

So I suppose it was bound to happen.. all 3 fevers have hit at the same time..

Baby, House, and Wedding.

I'm currently looking up house plans. It has to be perfect. Zac is going to freak when I make him look at all of them.

As for the wedding.. I have found my dress! I have to get myself small enough to look good in it now. It's not even that expensive. I'm excited.

I don't have a clue what kind of shoes to get. Probably white snow boots since I'm sure my wedding will host the only gigantic blizzard of the year.

I just told Chris "I love you.", and my dog growled at me. What's that about? I'm not sure the two events are related, but it's hard to say.

He played with his puppy for over an hour outside tonight. I think he's going to have a ton of fun this summer!

We've looked into purchasing a wooden play set thing for outside too. Brenna's swingset is broken due to being 920393 years old, and I would like him to have something to play on. Plus if we have more kids, it will get a lot of use. I might make Brenna and Zac play on it too cuz they're that expensive.

As for more babies.. It's no secret that I don't feel like I'm done. I've always felt like that chapter of my life isn't complete.  I know I'm insane.. I'm old.. That's also no secret. I sort of gave up on it though because my body is in bad shape with fatness and diabetes. We won't get into my 811 mental issues, and the very bad idea of going off my medication.. But I've talked to my psych doctor, and he thinks it's doable.  I'm not going to talk to my other doctor until I've lost all the weight, and see what the diabetes decides to do then.

And then I'll have to decide if I'd rather have a baby, or a new house. That's a choice I can't make today.

Suddenly on the forefront is my dislike for the texture of peas. They pop when you bite them, and that's gross.

So gross.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

That's what I thought.

*checks mirror* Yep, my bangs are still retarded.

This post is going to take all day because I don't really have anything to talk about. Well, I suppose I always have something to talk about; it just doesn't appear to be fitting into a specific category. Maybe it does. I don't know. I'm not really paying attention. I'm trying to halfway pay attention to the DVRed American Idol Zac is watching.

We watched The Biggest Loser before this, and it made me remember 2 things.
1. I hate Jessica Simpson.
2. I'm fat.
Oh, and a bonus:
3. I don't want to go rock climbing.

I won't be graphic, but judging by what keeps happening in the bathroom - I think my anatomy has randomly and drastically changed.

I have to drive today. I lost a bottle of my anxiety medication, so grr all around.

What's new, you ask? We now go to church, and we have a new puppy.  One is good. One is annoying, but cute as hell. Did I say "church" and "hell" in the same paragraph? oops.

I have about 20 minutes until I have to drive. I'm freaking out. Even Spongebob isn't helping. More like 10 really. Not helping. Okay, I'm going to get ready.


Alright, I'm back. And I forgot my book in the car. Which could be a good thing since I'll need it tomorrow. I'll probably forget it. I better just leave it out there.

I need to clean today. At least fold clothes. I could start packing. That's another thing my lack of anxiety meds is going to kick my ass on. I suppose I should start the list process.

I want to see Mirror, Mirror.

Zac starts his vacation tomorrow. I am sooooo happy he will be here to drive us around. Oh, and I suppose his company is alright too.

I lost my son for the evening. He's over at grampa's working off the ice cream he bought him.

I should start laundry. I should do anything other than sit here and watch Spongebob. Have I mentioned how much I hate hate hate this weather? Gimme some clouds before I melt!

I could really use a Klonopin right now. I can't seem to get all the way settled down from being out. I'm shaky, so I typo a lot. My pinkie finger is exhausted.

I love having a place to store towels, sheets and blankets. I don't know how I managed without it. I should wash towels. I folded clothes though, so stop hounding me already! I guess I could put them away. I may pack away Chris's warmer clothes when we get back from Colorado. Most of them anyway.

Chris just streaked through the house.

Okay, I'm off to start laundry.