Friday, October 26, 2012

$62 dollahs

I found my pants. Now I need a new motivation for doing all this laundry. It would help if I didn't have to put it away.

I'm finally posting vacation pictures. It's a lot easier now, so yay.

I'm sure that's why I waited so long.

Or maybe it's because I broke yet another laptop screen.

You decide.

Chris got up at 4am this morning.  I figured he would watch tv in the living room and fall back to sleep, but he was still up when I got up at 6 to get him ready. I bet he'll be tired tonight! I'm glad we don't have to do anything.

Except buy zest.

I think I'll drive through somewhere and get supper too since no part of me wants to cook what-so-ever.

Brenna owes me money.. and then owes me more money.. plus I get paid on the 2nd..

I get to pay bills with alllllll of it. Gag. I have $1.41 in my checking account.

It's not negative though! JUMP JUMP JUMP for joy!


I *really* can't find my jean shorts. They're probably hiding from the cold weather.

I love cold weather.

I slept all day today.

I'm wearing ugly pants.

They were $1.95 at Kmart though, so I am not ashamed.

I have two 39 gallon bags (of the 4.5) of DVDs left to go through and put away. We need another shelf deal.

 I should go tend to my feet. They are screaming for attention.

I have a secret mission.

It's interesting what motivates and inspires me.

Well, perhaps not really interesting.

Like today I'm doing more laundry simply to find my jean shorts that have $60 in the pocket.

Zac wants me to buy Zest today.

I don't know what will get me to drive to town today for that.

I suppose not listening to Zac while could be a reason.

But should I go now, or after Chris is home?

I can't wait till like April.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Someone please make me exercise.

So we skipped the gym again. I feel exactly like a person who did not go to the gym feels..

able to breath and not sweaty.

Zac thinks it is so hot in here.

It's not.

I have a secret.

I will be first.

I need to go through DVDs.

Since I didn't get a nap today, I'm kinda crabby.

I'll be back later.

Good Intentions.

I got up, got Chris ready and on the bus, fought going back to bed, took a shower, again fought going back to bed.. Then decided to get decent and head to group. Only to find out they're not having it today because they're having a trip/halloween party this evening.

Can I go? Nope. Someone has to run my kids around, and doesn't want to go anyway.

So I'm home now. Tired. Awake. Watching Spongebob.

 We have 4.5 39 gallon trash bags full of dvds that I'm transfering to my room from the living room. I'm going through them to make sure they're in their cases, and then alphabetizing them on the shelves as I put them on.

I can't do this right now though cuz Zac's in bed.

Soooo.. I'm writing this.

Is everybody ready to trick or treat?

I thought so.

I've got to tackle more laundry today.

And DVDs

OH! but first I'm going to change my scentsy stuff up!

And that's all I've got cuz well, we all know I'm just avoiding cleaining anyway.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Laundry anyone?

Yep, it's the wall of clothes.

We cleared out my room yesterday. It looks nice right now, but we have to put the dressers and everything back in there and that will take up this awesome space that I've got in there.

My carpet shampooer is broken. It won't suck up the water. Anyone know how to fix that?

I should do some laundry.

I think I'll go take a nap instead.

Ok ok I'll start it, and then take a nap? Will that appease the stay at home gods?

Let's hope so.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Welcome me back.

So one more time in the psych hospital. It went alright. I'm sure I'm now cured and ready to take the bull by the horns. or something.

Hold on, I'll be right back.

o/~ Would it be so bad if I could turn you on? o/~

I can't get that song out of my head.

The psych doctor at the hospital took me off all but 2 of my meds, and then replaced them with one. So happy! (in theory) So I'm down to taking meds only 4 times a day instead of 6. Bonus.

Also, no voices.. so double bonus.

SuperMegaUltra to do list regimen is almost ready to be put in to operation. I'm on October. It's taking forever. I started it months ago. It's Epic.Trust me.

I'm kinda hungry.

Brenna's biodad has a job now. Kind of impressive for someone who's been blind for a couple years, and just had a cornea transplant. Unfortunately his disability is what pays for our house, so I'm kind of paranoid now.

o/~Turn you upside down.. o/~

Don't wanna waste it....