Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday Moanings.

Okay.. the conversations are not word for word cuz I'm recreating them from memory.. but you'll get the idea..

Zac: "I wish you would have stayed out here longer after I set the fan up, it really cooled off.."
Me: "Well i was having a hard time keeping my eyes open anyway"
Zac: "Why didn't you write that? instead of just the thermostat part to make me look bad?"
Me: "I didn't mention you at all in that post, you just knew the rest of the story and chose to feel bad"
Zac: "Brenna knew, she commented on it"
Me: "She was here"
Zac: "Well you always make me look bad. *insert friend's name here* doesn't even like me."
Me: "That's because she's my friend. I complain about my husband to her. It's what friends do. She complains about hers too.. Did I tell you she's really sad lately, and her husband told her she was just doing it for attention and needed to knock it off?"
Zac: "That's not cool. Depression is a serious thing, and if left unchecked it can kill you. Sometimes it's a long drawn out process like with cancer. and not just suicide, depressed people start smoking, or drinking themselves to death"
Me: "Sometimes they're so lonely they buy random exotic pets that eat them in their sleep"
Zac: "What the HELL went on in your life before I came along?"

Me: "We're almost out of ketchup."
Zac: "You just bought a new bottle not very long ago."
Me: "I didn't ask 'When did I last purchase ketchup?' I stated that we're almost out."

Zac: "I went to eharmony before I met you to see what kind of person they would say I'm compatible with around Kearney. They gave me some goth chick. She had dark hair and was really pale. Kind of like you, but with dark hair."
Me: "So you're saying I'm pale?"
Zac: "yes."

Zac: *holds up phone* "What the hell is that?"
Me: "A picture of my mouth."
Zac: "huh."

But now he's left for work, so you'll have to rely solely on my conversations with myself for entertainment until the kids get home.

I just got off the phone with the contract people, and after next? week's graduation we'll officially be out of karate. Sigh. I know Brenna will be happy, but I'm a little sad. But it means I don't have to drive to town every week night, so maybe I'll learn to be okay with it?

While I was on the phone with them, my counselor called to tell me my insurance is going to start paying for my therapy.. so YAY.. I need to call her back and get something scheduled. It will be nice not having to wait till November.

Brenna has karate tonight, and Chris has cub scouts.. at pretty much the same time. I'm still figuring out how to make that work.

Okay, kids are home. Both walked into the house with a smile on their face too! Brenna told me this story..
"So I was walking to the house from the bus, and I started clapping for no reason. So I announced 'I'm clapping!' and Chris said 'To your own greatness?' and then I said 'yes, yes I am'."

I just told Chris he has to clear a path in his room before he can play the Wii.
Chris: "But mommmm why?"
Me: "I have to vacuum up those fleas before they take over the whole house, and eat our eyeballs while we sleep."
Chris: "Can't we just move?"
I wish!

Brenna just came in crying, made her brother give her a hug, and yelled "Don't die!"

You'll be happy to know she finally found the cover to her light switch. It's been years I think.

My son needs a haircut. So do I.

Alright.. Guess I'll go find a cub scout uniform.

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