Saturday, August 24, 2013

Bathroom trip from Hell.

I'm back already because I just had a very unnerving potty break. It started out with me sitting wrong on the toilet seat and knocking the crap out of my tailbone. No pun intended. Okay, so it was a little bit intended. It really hurts! I got the guts to stand up finally.. and then I noticed my foot really itched. So I plopped it up on the counter to put bug bite medicine on it. I set it right down on the hot hair straightener I had totally forgotten about. Ouch.

So for those of you who are keeping track.. My back hurts, my eyes hurt, my left nostril hurts, my tailbone hurts, my lip hurts, my foot hurts, and my foot also itches. I'm also hungry, but I ate 2 tiny chocolate donuts, so I'm hoping they hit my stomach soon. I don't want to wash dishes and/or find something to cook. What are the chances of everyone just feeding themselves and never mentioning to me they are hungry for this entire day?

I keep refreshing Facebook waiting for you turds to update. I know some of you have blogs too! Tell me about them! I really have nothing better to do. And if you don't have one, start one, and then tell me about it! hehe. I'm not joking.

Chris just found his library books! YAY!

I was just reading about getting paid to blog. Wouldn't that be fun? To be interesting enough to warrant a paycheck for your random babbles? Yes Please.

Zac is listening to a song about a colonoscopy. I'm not a post 40 year old male, but I have had 2 of them already. I'm just lucky I guess. They're really not a big deal.

Chris just went to help my dad husk corn. Then he's going to see if Grampa will help him fix his bike.

I suppose that's all I know for now. I'm sure I'll be back. When I've had enough of real life.


  1. I have to know why you have had two colonoscopies??

    1. I had a few run ins with some major ongoing pain, so they checked things out. I have diverticulitis really bad.
