Thursday, September 29, 2011

Big Plans

"Did you do this? this? this? this?" ... "no, but you didn't either."

At least that's what I wanted to say.

It's to do list time again. I've got a massive one, and 4 rooms left to analyze.  I am estimating it to be around 500 tasks so far.  Yeah, I get detailed. That way I can cross more off, and feel like I'm accomplishing more.  It keeps my motivation up?  Massively detailed lists take a lot of effort themselves, so it's taken me a few days just to get this far.

And it's exhausting, actually.

Chris and I can't get his bed apart.  I suppose we'll have to haul it over to grampa's to have him work his magic on it. Regardless there will be no more kiddo bed in my room, and I think I'm going to rearrange it today.

I want to finish my list first though.

I just checked and it has 522 tasks on it.  I still have the kids' rooms, and the small bathroom to add to it. And the lawn/deck etc.

I haven't really done anything today. I slept a lot. I'm hoping Chris will help me do some stuff later. I think I'm going to throw a lot of socks away.  And go through shoes. I need Zac to go through his socks, and decide what he wants to keep. I'm sick of having 890234 unmatched socks laying around.

Other news.. Certainly I can hook up a tv and wii all by myself, right? I am going to try to get the controllers to work. Another goal for the day. But that requires moving a dresser. And that requires clearing out the corner of my room with all the blankets. And that requires motivation.

I'd really rather play with my son.

I'm being asked to do something that makes every fiber of my being scream in protest, but Zac's family can't help that one member is psychotastic, right? yeah.

Hmm, mom is home. I think we'll go over there!

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