I've spent the last 3? days looking for a few people from my past. It really bugs me that I can't find them. The internet is full of retarded, useless information.. But when it comes to finding something as simple as an address, phone number or email address, it's nearly impossible.
I guess I feel a little bit like a stalker. Not enough like one to quit my search though. Some may call it obsession. I like to call it dedication?
Right now my only lead is that I happen to still have the address and phone number of one of them's sister. I called and left a message. We'll see what happens.
Other than that..
My eyes are starting to feel a bit better. Granted better than extremely horrible isn't saying a whole lot, but I'm still trying to be optimistic.
I'm having issues with eating lately. Things have taken a weird turn in the sanity department too. Nothing major, just a hiccup.
I'm trying to get letters caught up today. My mailbox is lonely.
My living room got fairly clean today. I need to vacuum though. And I suppose laundry has to happen tonight as well.
It's frozen pizza and macaroni and cheese night at the Breeden household. What are you having?
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