Aren't there like old sci-fi movies that take place in 2014? I feel like I've been gypped out of a hoverboard or something.
I'm thinking about what the year will bring, and it's all crazy!
1. Brenna will start her senior year.
2. Chris will start 3rd grade.
3. We may end up with a new baby.
So what else does next year hold for us? It's only 4 months away.
4. We'll have to install a new tub/shower.
5. Freddie will lose his nuts.
6. The 2nd Avatar movie will come out.
7. Maybe Shawna will get married?
8. Zac and I will celebrate our 2nd year of marriage. Our 11th year together.
9. I'm on track to make my way down to a weight that's *less* than I was in high school.
10. The Pig Roast will be on Kendra's birthday.
11. Paramount will release a new SpongeBob SquarePants movie.
12. Holly will become a hot, skinny grama!
I really thought I was going to be able to think of a ton of stuff that's happening next year, but I did not. And right now I'm too hot and miserable to care.
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