Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I'm *that* mom..

You know, the one that sends her kids to school in wrinkled clothes..

..the one who's hair is always in a pony tail..

..the one who never wears anything but comfy clothes..

..the one who's not involved in the schools at all..

..the one who doesn't remember to ask about homework till nearly bedtime..

..the one who only makes her kids shower every other day..

..the one who lets her teenager dye her hair 100 different colors..

..the one who lets her son wear a ninja costume to a violin recital..

..the one who bribes her kids to get stuff done..

..the one who serves fruit roll ups for breakfast..

..the one who used to make her daughter write essays about how much she loves her when her daughter would be disrespectful..

..the one who just took pizza to the bathroom so her son could eat it while on the toilet..

..the one who is writing a blog instead of cleaning..

..the one who WILL clean, as soon as she gets up for more ice..

..the one who does a pretty good job of not cussing in front of her kids..

..the one who doesn't own a sewing machine, or an iron..

..the one who needs to make her kids clean out the car..

..the one who lived with her boyfriend for 8 years before getting married..

..the one who's kids were IN her wedding..

..the one who's crazy..

..the one who doesn't work..

..the one who lets her son play battle and zombie games..

..the one who hasn't freaked out about her daughter wanting a lip stud..

..the one who lets her daughter wander around town with her friends before youth group..

..the one who lets her 7 year old read books about ghosts and zombies..

..the one who's okay with not meeting a boy before her daughter dates him..

..the one who still hasn't taught her son how to ride a bike..

..the one who's son just sang her a song about how awesome she is..

..the one who has library books on a table that are over 2 months past due..

..the one who's a bad housekeeper..

..the one who relies on a dude in Iowa to tell her what the weather is going to be like because she doesn't watch the news..

..the one who spanks..

..the one who tries to always watch tball games from the comfort of her air conditioned vehicle..

..the one who just realized she hasn't dusted her ceiling fan since right before she gave birth to her son in 2006..

Yep, I'm that mom..

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