Saturday, August 31, 2013

You did *what* with a cardboard tube?

Okay, I've been asking around and looking up ways to use toilet paper rolls. People have way too much time on their hands. And that's saying a lot coming from *me*. Here are a few of my favorites..

Make a fly and pest strip. Get rid of pesky flies and mosquitoes with a homemade pest strip. Just cover an empty toilet paper roll with transparent tape, sticky side out, and hang where needed.

Coat a toilet paper roll in peanut butter; roll it in bird seed; and you have a classic bird feeder.

Stuff a toilet paper roll with dryer lint, and you have the perfect fire starter without any outlay.

Sidewalk Chalk. Seal the end of a toilet paper tube with duct tape, then plastic wrap and a rubber band. Mix water with a little craft or tempra paint and mix with plaster of paris (follow the directions on the package for proportions) and pour into the tube. Let dry completely and then peel off the cardboard tube.


Vacuum Cleaner Nozzle Extension.

Well other than seed starters, I really can't seem to find (or think of) anything else. Frankly, I'm disappointed. There are TONS of web sites dedicated to reusing toilet paper rolls, but they all showed me the same stuff.

The internet has let me down.

Bad internet. 

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