Saturday, August 31, 2013

Long flowing locks of armpit hair..

Here's some facts for you..

Hair is as strong as a copper wire of the same diameter.

When you shave, dead skin makes up 36 percent of the material collected.

Hair on the underarms grows in different directions.

The underarm area experiences more humid conditions than the rest of the body.

Underarm hair grows faster than leg and other bodily hair.

There are many health benefits to keeping your underarms hair-free, such as reducing the potential for bacteria build-up, which is the main cause of odor.

A theory suggests that the reason we have armpit hair is to help lessen the friction on the skin when we move our arms.

Hair has been used for defense, think of lions, horses and roman centurion helmets. It's hard to cut or bite through. It may be that beards, pubic and underarm hair cover exposed parts of the body that have vital arteries under the skin (neck, armpit and groin).

Robert Starrett is the proud owner of the official world's longest armpit hair, measuring 5.3 inches.

Antiarm hair ads began appearing in McCall's in 1917. Women's razors and depilatories didn't show up in the Sears Roebuck catalog until 1922, the same year the company began offering dresses with sheer sleeves.

0.35 millimeters a day or 1 centimeter per month is the rate at which human hair grows.

Shaving, tweezing or waxing does not cause hair to grow back thicker or fuller.

When saturated with water, the strength of a single strand of hair is approximately one third to one half less than the strength of dry hair, making it much easier to shave.

Body hair usually grows out from an individual’s skin at a 30 to 60 degree angle.

Hair grows faster during the day than at night.

It is false that human hair continues to grow after death.

Brenna says that armpit hair is annoying, and she hates the fact that her's grows back so fast. Has she ever mentioned she hates shaving with a passion?

I shaved mine 2 days ago.

..and there ya go!
A theory suggests that the reason we have armpit hair is to help lessen the friction on the skin when we move our arms. - See more at:

A theory suggests that the reason we have armpit hair is to help lessen the friction on the skin when we move our arms. - See more at:

A theory suggests that the reason we have armpit hair is to help lessen the friction on the skin when we move our arms. - See more at:
A theory suggests that the reason we have armpit hair is to help lessen the friction on the skin when we move our arms. - See more at:

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