Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Poop Scoop

Here's a little TMI Trivia for you.. I've had diarrhea since July of 2005. I can count the number of solid shits I've taken since then on one hand. No, I don't have a freak disease.. It's due to my diabetes medication. It seems a fair trade off for you know, staying alive and stuff.

The part that makes me a little sad is that I can no longer fart if I'm not on a toilet. That takes the fun out of cousin reunions, and sitting on my kids.

Another downside is the hemorrhoids. My butt is constantly on fire. Sometimes there's so much blood that I think I've gotten my period. Just. Plain. Gross. I keep suggesting to myself to talk to my doctor about it, but that's just not an office visit that sounds enjoyable. It's in my nature to avoid things that I don't enjoy. Like spiders, news and having someone poke around my rectum.

Also the sun, basketball, mustard and pumping my own gas.

Poop doesn't bother me, but Zac and I have had an agreement since Chris was born.. He cleans up the poop, and I clean up the puke. It's hilarious to watch him when someone is puking.. He starts gagging and staggering around.. Kind of like watching Kristi watch Survivor or Fear Factor episodes where they have to eat brains and bugs..I am always entertained.

Always. Entertained.

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