We lost a not-so-small bright blue sack full of library books. They were due on the 8th. I don't know where else to look. I've even asked the dog. She's not talking. It's pretty sad that the only other solution I can think of is to ask the cats. I really have looked everywhere. Except where they are. Obviously.
This is the 2nd day I've spent enormous amounts of time on the internet. I read so many entertainment news stories yesterday. I found out Johnny Depp is almost blind in one eye, and can't see well out of the other one. So maybe I have a chance with him after all! *fingers crossed*
My friend's daughter is going to start hanging out with us for an hour on Wednesdays and Fridays. Chris is super excited!
It's karate night again. Brenna will miss all week because of youth group rush week. I need to put his equipment back in the trunk. I actually have a lot to do today due to my not doing a damn thing yesterday. oops.
There's a GIANT fly in my house. Prehistorically huge. It keeps flying in front of my face, and it's really pissing me off. I wave and swat at it like crazy every time. Unfortunately I'm not a ninja. A fact that comes back to haunt me more often than you'd think.
I think I'm going to have to call the doctor about my eyes before I rub them out of my face.
I just looked under all the furniture for the books. I looked in the car, and all the rooms.. Behind the desk, furniture and entertainment center.. I'm at a complete loss. *scream*
Zac doesn't want us to go to karate tonight because I need to conserve gas. Well poo. I'll have to think about it.
I have got to sort through my kitchen and figure out some meals. My bathrooms need picked up, and laundry done. I didn't sort through Chris's clothes yet either. He'll have to run through and pick up the living room so I can vacuum because it's his mess. I suppose it's time to get started.
*sad face*
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