Saturday, August 31, 2013

And me without my umbrella..

I absolutely worship the rain. Clouds and storms are the best weather ever. If for no other reasons than they block the sun, and cool things down.

"For every minute of every day, 1 billion tons of rain falls on the Earth." That's a lot of rain. You'd think with *that* much water falling, at least some of it would be here.. But no such luck.. It's 48 thousand degrees outside.

Ombrophobia – fear of rain or being rained on

This summer it rained while we were at the zoo. It was awesome! It was the first time I didn't have to fight being miserable in the heat while gazing at giraffes.

Brenna doesn't like being outside when it's raining. She obviously doesn't get that trait from me. The only time I can stand being outside is if it's cloudy and sprinkling cold water.

What I don't like about rain has to do with where I live.. Muddy gravel roads.. I've grown up driving on them, and really they're not that big of a deal, but they do take some skill. A skill I've had to school nearly all of my boyfriends in at one time or another.

Don't worry, all my current boyfriends have it figured out.. ;)

The corner of 130th & Cherry has a tendency to flood in big ways. It flows on down and floods the dip down the road too. It used to be a pain having to find alternate routes to work. But I fixed that. I stopped working!

I guess the other thing I don't like about rain is that it sticks to my glasses.

Big. Pain. In. The. Ass.

But so worth it.

You did *what* with a cardboard tube?

Okay, I've been asking around and looking up ways to use toilet paper rolls. People have way too much time on their hands. And that's saying a lot coming from *me*. Here are a few of my favorites..

Make a fly and pest strip. Get rid of pesky flies and mosquitoes with a homemade pest strip. Just cover an empty toilet paper roll with transparent tape, sticky side out, and hang where needed.

Coat a toilet paper roll in peanut butter; roll it in bird seed; and you have a classic bird feeder.

Stuff a toilet paper roll with dryer lint, and you have the perfect fire starter without any outlay.

Sidewalk Chalk. Seal the end of a toilet paper tube with duct tape, then plastic wrap and a rubber band. Mix water with a little craft or tempra paint and mix with plaster of paris (follow the directions on the package for proportions) and pour into the tube. Let dry completely and then peel off the cardboard tube.


Vacuum Cleaner Nozzle Extension.

Well other than seed starters, I really can't seem to find (or think of) anything else. Frankly, I'm disappointed. There are TONS of web sites dedicated to reusing toilet paper rolls, but they all showed me the same stuff.

The internet has let me down.

Bad internet. 

o/~My vulture has a first name..o/~

Vultures are large, carrion-eating birds that are excellent at soaring flight.

Genders appear identical and it is impossible to visually distinguish males from females.
Twenty-five to 32 inches long, with a wingspan around 6 feet.
Healthy adult turkey vultures weigh approximately 5 to 6 pounds.

Turkey vultures do not have a voice box.
The Turkey Vulture is gentle and non-aggressive.
Vultures urinate on their legs and feet to help cool off on hot days, and their urine also helps kill any bacteria or parasites they’ve picked up from walking through carcasses to help keep the birds healthier.
When threatened, vultures vomit to lighten their body weight so they can escape more easily into flight.
The turkey vulture is protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918, and it is illegal to kill this species in the United States.
A group of vultures is called a committee, venue or volt. In flight, a flock of vultures is a kettle, and when the birds are feeding together at a carcass, the group is called a wake.
International Vulture Awareness Day is celebrated on the first Saturday of each September.
Vultures have keen eyesight. It is believed they are able to spot a three-foot carcass from four miles away on the open plains.
Vultures are found on every continent except Australia and Antarctica.
Vultures only lay one egg every year or so.
In ancient Egypt, vultures were used as a symbol of femininity.
In Germany, police have trained turkey vultures to help them finding missing people.
Most vulture species mate for life.
Vultures can live more than 100 years.
Vultures can eat rotten meat at any stage of decomposition.
Vulture urine is so powerful that it could be used as a household cleaner. 
Interesting, yes? Of course. Everyone should have marked your calendars by now to ensure the occurrence of proper celebrations of International Vulture Awareness Day.

I think that covers it!

The Poop Scoop

Here's a little TMI Trivia for you.. I've had diarrhea since July of 2005. I can count the number of solid shits I've taken since then on one hand. No, I don't have a freak disease.. It's due to my diabetes medication. It seems a fair trade off for you know, staying alive and stuff.

The part that makes me a little sad is that I can no longer fart if I'm not on a toilet. That takes the fun out of cousin reunions, and sitting on my kids.

Another downside is the hemorrhoids. My butt is constantly on fire. Sometimes there's so much blood that I think I've gotten my period. Just. Plain. Gross. I keep suggesting to myself to talk to my doctor about it, but that's just not an office visit that sounds enjoyable. It's in my nature to avoid things that I don't enjoy. Like spiders, news and having someone poke around my rectum.

Also the sun, basketball, mustard and pumping my own gas.

Poop doesn't bother me, but Zac and I have had an agreement since Chris was born.. He cleans up the poop, and I clean up the puke. It's hilarious to watch him when someone is puking.. He starts gagging and staggering around.. Kind of like watching Kristi watch Survivor or Fear Factor episodes where they have to eat brains and bugs..I am always entertained.

Always. Entertained.

Long flowing locks of armpit hair..

Here's some facts for you..

Hair is as strong as a copper wire of the same diameter.

When you shave, dead skin makes up 36 percent of the material collected.

Hair on the underarms grows in different directions.

The underarm area experiences more humid conditions than the rest of the body.

Underarm hair grows faster than leg and other bodily hair.

There are many health benefits to keeping your underarms hair-free, such as reducing the potential for bacteria build-up, which is the main cause of odor.

A theory suggests that the reason we have armpit hair is to help lessen the friction on the skin when we move our arms.

Hair has been used for defense, think of lions, horses and roman centurion helmets. It's hard to cut or bite through. It may be that beards, pubic and underarm hair cover exposed parts of the body that have vital arteries under the skin (neck, armpit and groin).

Robert Starrett is the proud owner of the official world's longest armpit hair, measuring 5.3 inches.

Antiarm hair ads began appearing in McCall's in 1917. Women's razors and depilatories didn't show up in the Sears Roebuck catalog until 1922, the same year the company began offering dresses with sheer sleeves.

0.35 millimeters a day or 1 centimeter per month is the rate at which human hair grows.

Shaving, tweezing or waxing does not cause hair to grow back thicker or fuller.

When saturated with water, the strength of a single strand of hair is approximately one third to one half less than the strength of dry hair, making it much easier to shave.

Body hair usually grows out from an individual’s skin at a 30 to 60 degree angle.

Hair grows faster during the day than at night.

It is false that human hair continues to grow after death.

Brenna says that armpit hair is annoying, and she hates the fact that her's grows back so fast. Has she ever mentioned she hates shaving with a passion?

I shaved mine 2 days ago.

..and there ya go!
A theory suggests that the reason we have armpit hair is to help lessen the friction on the skin when we move our arms. - See more at:

A theory suggests that the reason we have armpit hair is to help lessen the friction on the skin when we move our arms. - See more at:

A theory suggests that the reason we have armpit hair is to help lessen the friction on the skin when we move our arms. - See more at:
A theory suggests that the reason we have armpit hair is to help lessen the friction on the skin when we move our arms. - See more at:

Being Reminded.

Last night's dream really put me in a contemplative mood. It thoroughly managed to capture every emotion and concern from every angle of the moments leading up to a stay in the hospital.

I was aware of my actions, and aware that they were causing the people around me to doubt my stability. I did my best to alter my thought processes, but it comes to a point where there's just no hiding the crazy.

In my dream, this point came when I was lying in my mother-in-law's bed, stabbing at my stomach and arms with a pencil, hyperventilating and trying to hide it all under a blanket. I could hear Zac and his mom discussing what they should do, and I knew all I had to do to make it better was to simply stop. But I was not in control.

I know it's really hard for some people to understand not being able to control their brains.. or their actions.. They don't understand laying on the bathroom floor for 2 hours.. They don't understand self harm.. They don't understand making a 500 page master to do list.. They don't understand moving all your furniture into the kitchen, and then sitting in the middle of the floor crying until someone comes home and "fixes" the chaos..

Well ya know what? I don't understand it either. But I live it. It's a humiliating and unsettling feeling to experience your body and mind doing things you did not approve of. You either have to be physically stopped, or wait for it to pass.

I've been very lucky lately. I haven't had a major "episode" in awhile. I have managed to get through the weaning of my medication with relatively no ill effects.

So I'm hopeful.

But I know how easily, fast and without warning things can change. I don't take my sane moments for granted.

My dream reminded me of why I can't.

Recipes. And cooking in general.

So I married someone who went to culinary school. And I ruined him. I don't like anything, so he's been reduced to making tacos and hamburger helper. Sometimes I feel bad, but then I remember it means I don't have to eat tomatoes or mayo, and I get over it.

Now that he works 2nd shift, the kids are stuck with me in the kitchen. So let's see what they like..

Chris tells me his favorites that I cook are Pirate Stew (without the potatoes) and alfredo. For the stew.. cut up some potatoes, carrots and celery and toss them in a crock pot.. add some browned hamburger, water, a packet of onion soup mix, salt, pepper, and a couple teaspoons of Worcestershire sauce.. mix it up and set it for around 6 hours.. Then pick out the potatoes and feed it to your son.. hehe.. The alfredo is a no-brainer.. boil some noodles, add a can of chicken and a jar of alfredo sauce..

I have 3 meals that I could probably live on. Manacotti and cheese, pinwheels and chicken noodle casserole.  For the manacotti, I dump 2 containers of ricotta cheese in a giant bowl, add most of a bag of shredded mozzarella, a random amount of parmesan, mix, and stuff it into cooked manacotti noodles.. I cover it with spaghetti sauce and a little more mozzarella.. cover with foil and cook at 350 for 40ish minutes. Pinwheels I have been in love with since 6th grade at Pleasant Hill.. Fry some bologna until the sides curl up, top with mashed potatoes and melt a slice of cheese on it.. SO YUMMY. I want some now. Chicken noodle casserole is something I learned from Martha a zillion years ago. Boil noodles, add a can of cream of chicken soup, a can of chicken.. put it in a cake pan, top with shredded cheddar and cook at 350 for maybe a half hour.. but make sure you leave some of it without cheese, or Brenna won't eat it.

On to what Brenna enjoys. According to her text, she likes tuna and noodles, Tony's pizza, Stouffer's lasagna and garlic toast. I suppose that's some indication of my kitchen habits.. YAY frozen stuff! As for the tuna and noodles.. it's just that.. tuna and noodles, and a can of cream of something soup.

Something else Chris thinks is fun are what we call "pizza shells".. It's a tortilla with pizza sauce, pepperonis and mozzarella melted in it.

No.. We don't really eat healthy, per say.. But my kids like the good stuff as well.. broccoli, squash, fruit.. They will probably survive.

Cat Quirks.

We have 3 cats. The oldest is a black cat named Noodles. Brenna named him when she was 3. He's been through a lot. Numerous attacks from unknown animals, Brenna trying to give him a bath, undiagnosable illnesses.. Many toddlers.. He's a survivor. He's also very skinny and looooong. The other night he snuggled up against me while I was watching tv in bed.. with his paws around my neck.. and licked my chin.. So he can be lovey, but most of the time his hobbies include waiting for you to walk by so he can reach out and claw you, and tearing into cat (or dog) food bags by sticking his paws underneath the pantry door.

Our middle cat is grey. I took him from my Aunt with the stipulation that I could name him Flipper. You know, because he's grey. He is the loudest cat I've ever known. He's a little bit OCD or something.. He constantly pulls clumps of hair out with his teeth. His favorite place to do this is on Zac's side of the bed. Good kitty.

Holly is the baby. Even though she's not a baby anymore. She's a calico, and really pretty. She's the climber of the group. I don't think there's a chair, cupboard, bunk bed, stack of boxes, tv, refrigerator or car she hasn't had a nap on. We adopted her and her brother Frosty from the humane society. Frosty ran away shortly after we got them home.

All 3 constantly go in and out of the house.. Every time I open the door some come in.. some go out.. It's rare to find them all in the same place.. Unless you count when I'm in the bathroom.. They all follow me in, and congregate in the bathtub..

Yeah.. good times..

Friday, August 30, 2013

They're goats, and they faint!

..and it's hilarious!

I've seen random videos of them on tv, but I have to admit I don't know much about them. I need to do a little digging before I approach the topic with much vigor.

 "A myotonic goat, otherwise known as the fainting goat, is a domestic goat whose muscles freeze for roughly 10 seconds when the goat feels panic. Though painless, this generally results in the animal collapsing on its side."

..and this is where I wanted to insert the picture, but I can't figure it out.. so it's going to end up somewhere else in the post.

So the big question is.. How do you feel about fainting goats? It's time to find out.

Chris: "I'd probably just keep scaring them because I like animals with their legs up."

Sam: "I've never seen a goat faint before."

Amy: "Ask Lisa. She had one."

Brenna: "What?"

Kendra: "Lisa had one. Don't know anything about them."

Andie: "I have no clue what you're talking about."

Betsy: "I think they are drama queens."

Frank: "Don't guess I ever heard of a goat fainting b4 lol"

Kim A: "lol! You make me laugh so hard! What's up with the fainting goats? :)"

Shawna: "LOVE them! Mia K used to be obsessed with them."

Ken: "What?"

Sean: "Don't know, never had to catch one"

Jessica: "Fainting goats? Goats are cute, the fainting part would be funny!"

Martha: "Not"

Kim A (again): "That's frickin hilarious! Make sure the goats have enough alcohol in their system and do the happy dance before they faint! lol! :)"

Martha (again): "Do they really faint?"

Jennifer: "Hmm I didn't know goats faint. Why? What causes this? :)"

Laura: "They're super cute"

Holly: "Mmm well I don't really have an opinion on them.."


Lyndsay: "I didn't know of these things. Why do they faint?"

John: "I like them."

Lyndsay (again): "I feel like I would be pro fainting goats then."

Stevie: "They're good eatin"

Eric: "I heart them!"

Kim W: "I've seen them, but they aren't really fainting :)"

Kim W (again): "Did you buy a goat?"

Zac: "What are they?"

Shilo: "I want to go cow tipping or tractor tipping like on cars screw the goats"

I'm waiting for a few stragglers to weigh in on the question. If you haven't done so already, look them up on the internet (The goats, not the stragglers).. You will not be disappointed! 

Friday Funk..

Worst. Morning. Ever.

Chris has done nothing but scream. He kicked me. I spanked him. I got him cereal. He made some awful squealing noise when I told him it was time to eat. I grounded him. I'm pretty sure getting him out the door will be my favorite event of the day.

Zac will wake me up later this morning to go to town with him. It's pay day, so that means it's errand day. I hope it's not going to be really hot outside.

Well no suck luck. It's like 385 degrees today. has got to be the slowest website I've ever been on.

I just read on Facebook about Kindergarteners in Chicago being taught sex ed. Something like that. If you ask Brenna what my goodnight words have been to her since she was barely able to walk, she'd answer "Goodnight, I love you, Don't do drugs, and no sex till you're 30." And sometimes I'd throw in a "Don't forget to say your prayers." for good measure. While I've (still) never gone into any detail, she's always known sex exists.

Chris.. not so much.

There has been a lot of baby talk in the last 2 months. The majority of the questions Chris asks me start with "When we get a baby..". Here is our last conversation about it.

"Why can't we go get one now?"
"Mommy has to grow one in my belly."
"So you can't take medicines when it's growing?"
"When do you get one put in there?"
"We'll probably start trying to make one next month."
"You can make them? Can I make one?"
"When you're older."
"Like in 3rd grade?"
"Like when you're 30 and married."
"How can you make a live baby?"
"Well it takes daddy's help."
"That's weird. I thought he only had to help with dishes."

He's watching Paranorman right now. He wishes he could talk to ghosts. Not me. I wish to continue not talking to ghosts.

One more trip to town tonight, and then I get to sit at home for 2 days! The boys are going to Franklin tomorrow, so I'll have some time to be a bum and avoid people.

Oh! And I have donuts!

Someone should call 800-888-9599, and tell me who keeps calling me. I only answer the phone when it's a number I know.

If anyone wants to be a major help.. Throw some blog topics my way.. I'm kind of interested on what I'll have to say :)

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thursday Thinking..

Starting a post at 7am is really a dumb idea considering in about 15 minutes I'm headed back to bed. But I'm a rebel, so here goes..

Chris was up at 4:30am today. I am so happy he's old enough to turn on the tv and entertain himself for 2 hours while I finish sleeping. That's one of the things I worry about with the having babies plan.. How much I really hate being awake. I'd like to say I'll get used to it, but we all know I won't. Or at least I haven't in the last 16 years.

My dog is outside barking at nothing. Go figure. Chris made his way to the bus a few minutes ago, and I'm just waiting for Brenna to make it out the door. I've been staying up late simply because I can now. Not one of my better ideas to be honest.

I finished up 2 letters last night, and got them ready to be mailed. 3 more to go.

I'm up now. Watching disturbing news videos. I just can't look away.

My dog barks at Zac when he looks at her. In her defense, he does it menacingly.

I wish there was a way to not feel guilty about skipping karate tonight. We just can't, and I know that.. But I am not looking forward to going out in this horribly blood boiling weather.

I just saw Gordon Ramsay in running shorts.

I'm so angry at the question my daughter just asked me. I didn't even want to answer it.

I was allowed to quit everything when I was growing up. I'm not a better person for it in any way. I will do everything in my power to make my children follow through with their commitments. I wish they would just accept this, and stop being ugly about it.

And on that note.. I'm done talking to people today.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Change of plans..

I started this post with the intention of talking about texting. I thought it would be fun to share the last text you've received. But then I looked at mine, and it was boring, so I decided it wasn't worth sharing. But if you'd like to share yours, that would totally entertain me!

Chris will be home in a couple minutes. Then we have to go to town. Maybe I'll think of something interesting to write while I'm gone. We can always hope?

"He almost exploded from enjoyness!' ~Chris

His dog is asleep on the swingset. He loves to lay on the 2 seater. I'd take a picture, but I'm too lazy tonight.

I did finally get all my appointment cards rounded up and put on the calendar I stole from the school. Now I know what's going on, and feel less like a random hippie.

I got jolly ranchers from Clint today. I'm pretty excited.

"If Brenna got hit by a car and died, I could finally go in her room." ~Chris

I can't believe it took me all day to write this short, lame post.  Actually I can believe it. I haven't been on the computer much. And now I'm off to address an envelope and pet my cat.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

"Look to me in my eyeball.."

I had an appointment with an eye doctor today. I'm sure the world is aware of my watery eyes issue due to my nonstop whining on Facebook and/or my puffy zombie-like appearance and constant digging at my face if you've seen me in real life. So I'm in the chair, he looks in my eyes, and says "Ohh that's bad."

Well yeah, that's why I came to the doctor's.. But still, not something you want to hear at 8am when you have your head pressed in a weird machine.

Diagnosis is that it started out as allergies, but has turned into a raging, swollen, red, mucousy, mattery infection.

How's that for sexy?

It took me stops at 2 pharmacies, but I now have an army of prescription wipes, ointment and drops to be used 4 times a day for a week, and then I go back and get them checked again.

I came home and slept for awhile. Now I'm complaining and moaning to myself about having to clean in the next few minutes. I put it off all weekend. Ooops.


Monday, August 26, 2013

I found a slinky.

I haven't called the doctor about my eyes yet today because I don't actually want to *go* to the doctor's. I mean I'd have to drive.. put shoes on.. brush my hair.. Not necessarily in that order.

Okay okay.. I called. Now for the waiting portion of this situation.

I need to sort through a bunch of mail and clean off the couch today. You're jealous of my glamorous life, aren't you?

I'm also having canker sore issues.

What would I enjoy less than having to go to the doctor today, you might ask? Having to go to the eye doctor at 8am tomorrow.

I just watched Miley Cyrus make a fool out of herself on the VMA.. Unfortunately I can't *unsee* it. She's actually not a good dancer, and I hate looking at peoples' tongues. She got so weird.

I had a few more interesting dreams last night. I apologized to Zac this afternoon for cheating on him so much in my dreams the last week.

We watched Olympus Has Fallen last night. It's alright, if you enjoy watching people get shot in the head. It really needed Bruce Willis. Speaking of BW, we watched RED again (LOVE IT). Also saw The Losers. That was pretty good.

I don't know how it happened in *my* house, but all the pictures on the West wall are crooked. I need to fix that.

It's almost time for the kids to get home. One of them is sick. I'm still enforcing karate night. I'm mean like that.

I know there are people who enjoy the warmth of the sun on their skin, but I can't get behind choosing to spend time basking in something that scientists have spent so much time and effort into making products that BLOCK it. My theory is that if you have to PROTECT yourself from something before you endure it, then you're kind of just better off avoiding the activity all together. Like bears.

I just had to make a really hard call. I had to put a stop to an ongoing good deed. There just comes a time when there's been too much money invested, and there's no foreseeable end in sight.

Okay.. miss me. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sunday Blues.

I hate Sundays way more than Mondays. Mondays just kind of happen, but Sundays are the days filled with the "getting ready for Mondays" crap that I hate. Finding karate shirts, shoes, clothes for the week, undone homework, lunches, finding out appointments for the week, picking up the living room.. I just really don't want to think about it.

Chris is interviewing me about his name. He's making it a lot harder than it has to be. He just told me "Well it's not due till Monday." I informed him tomorrow is Monday. Oh.

I wasn't going to post anything today because to be honest I can barely see. I'm really just avoiding being a responsible adult as long as possible.

Dammit.. Time's up.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Bathroom trip from Hell.

I'm back already because I just had a very unnerving potty break. It started out with me sitting wrong on the toilet seat and knocking the crap out of my tailbone. No pun intended. Okay, so it was a little bit intended. It really hurts! I got the guts to stand up finally.. and then I noticed my foot really itched. So I plopped it up on the counter to put bug bite medicine on it. I set it right down on the hot hair straightener I had totally forgotten about. Ouch.

So for those of you who are keeping track.. My back hurts, my eyes hurt, my left nostril hurts, my tailbone hurts, my lip hurts, my foot hurts, and my foot also itches. I'm also hungry, but I ate 2 tiny chocolate donuts, so I'm hoping they hit my stomach soon. I don't want to wash dishes and/or find something to cook. What are the chances of everyone just feeding themselves and never mentioning to me they are hungry for this entire day?

I keep refreshing Facebook waiting for you turds to update. I know some of you have blogs too! Tell me about them! I really have nothing better to do. And if you don't have one, start one, and then tell me about it! hehe. I'm not joking.

Chris just found his library books! YAY!

I was just reading about getting paid to blog. Wouldn't that be fun? To be interesting enough to warrant a paycheck for your random babbles? Yes Please.

Zac is listening to a song about a colonoscopy. I'm not a post 40 year old male, but I have had 2 of them already. I'm just lucky I guess. They're really not a big deal.

Chris just went to help my dad husk corn. Then he's going to see if Grampa will help him fix his bike.

I suppose that's all I know for now. I'm sure I'll be back. When I've had enough of real life.

Falling on deaf ears.

I have told Chris to do the same 2 things for a half an hour now. Neither of them are done. And he's still wandering around like a crazy boy. Something involving packing tape. I don't know. The "Hey Mom?" count is at 6.

We didn't go to karate this morning. Sleeping in just seemed like the thing to do! Zac and Brenna are still sleeping.

Chris is stabbing holes in a piece of paper. That's really as close to picking up his change off the floor, and putting his cushion on his bed as he's been this morning.

I'm so tired of repeating myself. If I don't constantly nag my kids, nothing gets done. I'm giving Chris a few more minutes so his medication can kick in before I start dishing out punishments.

I have a cut on my lip that huuuuuurts..

And don't get me started on my eyes. Uhg.

Chris's best friend's mom won't let him sit by Chris on the bus anymore because of a game Chris has on his ipod. I personally don't find it to be inappropriate. But it made me wonder if I'm not censoring my kids' world enough. Chris likes stories about creepy crawly things. I let him watch Ghostbusters, and I let him read Goosebumps. I let him play Plants Vs Zombies. Him and his dad play Tekken. He's in karate. But this stuff hasn't made him a violent kid. He knows what is make believe.

Brenna didn't read/watch that stuff. She didn't like it. So it never came up.

I just made Zac listen to the Meatloaf Song.

It's now been an hour and a half, and the 2 things I asked Chris to do are still not done. So now I have to take care of them, and not let him have them back. Grrr.

Well, I just made like $4 in change.

I had like 3 dreams last night about being in a relationship with Howard Wolowitz. It was interesting, that's for sure. Kinda fun!

Zac is laughing so hard at something on his computer. I think I see tears. What a gooftard. hehe.

My puppy doesn't lay on my lap as often now that Reagan died. She is right now though. I love it! She doesn't snuggle up against me at night all the time anymore either. I don't like the change in her. I miss being worshiped!

I don't have a clue where Chris went. He must be in his room. Or the bathroom. He spends a lot of time in there reading.

I haven't been texting as much lately. I don't even know where my phone is right now.

I just noticed I'm starving. Perhaps I should get off my butt and feed my face.

Friday, August 23, 2013

I should skip today.

I'm really out of ideas right now. I would like to mention I got to hold a cutie baby boy this afternoon. That was the hilight of the day.. Unless you count getting home to put my sweaty hair up.. That felt soooo good!

I also had a little Facebook contact with my brother, and I'm excited he's going to be at mom's sometime this weekend. I miss him.

I need to suck it up and bring in my calendar and appointment cards in from the car, and get them all written down. Since my little one was lost, I've really had no clue what's going on. And by "no clue", I really mean NO FREAKING CLUE.


Okay I'm home now. I did bring the calendar in, but I could only find one appointment card. I know I have more.

I'm in the process of uploading some pictures and videos.. It takes forever.

We stopped at McD's on the way home, and saw my brother through the window so we went in and bugged him for a few.. He bought us supper! He is so incredibly awesome!

Hmm. I lost my phone.

This morning I got curious, and decided to count the number of times I heard "Hey Mom?" today. It's about 10:30pm and the count is at 68. That's a half hour this morning, and about 5 hours this evening. Things have quieted down in the last 20 minutes. YAY Phinneas and Ferb. Chris brought his new cushion out to the living room and is nestled in his "venus fly trap" contraption.

I'm waiting for Zac to get home so we can watch this week's Masterchef. And Under The Dome. I'm really tired though. Maybe I'll put it off till tomorrow.

Chris just announced that he's never had meatloaf. My grama's meatloaf was the best. A band on P & F is singing a meatloaf song. I love it. The world needs more meat based songs.


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Chicken Yogurt.

Zac read my Sam's list, and apparently it looks like I wrote chicken yogurt. But it says chicken nuggets, I swear. He might be a little blind.

Speaking of blind.. My. Eyes. Are. So. Itchy. My vision gets clouded from all the wateriness, and it makes me dizzy. I'm waiting for the nurse to call me back. As we all know, waiting is one of my *favorite* things. For sure. Not.

I went to my psych doctor this morning. I'm now 200mg of Seroquel and .1mg of Clonodine away from my mission. Baby making will commence in approximately one month. Adjust your lives accordingly.

I was on the toilet earlier, thinking of Jennifer, and I noticed the giant fly that's been bugging me this week was on the floor in front of me. I thought my most ninja-y thoughts, and tried to step on him. I was successful! But I didn't step very hard, so he was still alive. I picked up the piece of paper he was on, and dumped him in the trash (like that's going to stop a fly, I knew it was a futile gesture).. After a few moments, I noticed he didn't fly back out of the trash. I investigated further, and saw I had thrown him right into a spider web with a spider. Now I feel guilty. And creeped out that there's a spider in my bathroom.

I've already shared on Facebook, but I'm at the lowest weight I've been in 7 years! My gut is slowly getting smaller. I'm pretty excited. Not excited enough to start dieting or exersizing, but excited none the less.

Zac washed some dishes this morning. I am so thankful! It totally made my day!

Also making my day awesome, is a text I got from a friend a few minutes ago. I'm not at liberty to comment on it, but let's just say it's REALLY exciting for me.

It's a karate night. Then we're going with my mom to pick corn. I'm not really looking forward to either activity, but I get to spend some time with my mommy, so it's all good.

I have a stabbing pain in the side of my back today. I think it's trying to tell me I've spent to much time in this recliner this week. I refuse to listen to such nonsense! Though I should get up and fold clothes. And pee. And check my blood sugar. And since it's 3:17, I should probably take my 2pm meds. And possibly eat lunch.

Oh alright. I'm going, I'm going..

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I forgot a title.

I got lectured today for using a credit card to buy my kids food at McDonalds over 3 months ago. He also grounded Brenna for 2 weeks, and "informed" me that Chris needs to clean his room. I was "asked" if I remembered to give Chris his medication this morning, and told to write down a password before I forget it. Yesterday it was me wanting to take Chris to karate when I'm supposed to be conserving gas.

For some reason I get the feeling I'm not doing a good enough job as a mom now that he works 2nd shift.

But I'm pretty sure I've got this. I was a broke, single parent for a long time, and did just fine.

My head itches sooooo bad, and my eyes are miserable and watery. I want this day to be over.

I don't really have anything planned today other than vacuuming and dishes.

Zac is upset because Brenna needs him to drop a tshirt off at the school before work. Well I'd take it in, but I'm conserving gas.

Okay, I'm done being a bitch about it.. for now!

I really want a pop. I need to take a shower. One of these has to happen now, so I'll be right back.


Shower, check. Vacuum, check. I really was going to wash dishes, but it doesn't seem to be happening. I wish I had a maid solely for dishes.

I'm watching The Big Bang Theory where Amy gives Penny a giant painting of them. I love this episode! It's 2nd only to the one where Sheldon gives Amy a tiara. That is hilarious!

Ramen noodles or corn dogs? That is the decision for the moment.

I really should go do some dishes. Booo.

I was just told my house smells like jelly beans, and I have a lot of stuff. Kids are hungry. This could be a problem.

I hate when the back of my knees sweat.

Chris and Chas are discussing the fact that the Annoying Orange gang can't really have a pillow fight because they don't have hands. *That's* the part that disturbs them?

My house does smell good right now. Yay Scentsy!

There's really not enough posting going on on Facebook today. I need entertained people! Let's get on that!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Hmm. Ok.

I really thought picking up the living room would be a 10 minute breeze. Somehow it's turned into a never ending ordeal including a 7 year old's meltdown, and the entire contents of my purse on the floor.

So it's break time. Chris is taking cans over to my dad's, and I'm sitting here boring you.

Well, I guess he's staying at Grama's, and I get to clean the living room. It's ok. I saw it coming a mile away. Even with my sore, puffy, watery eyes.


We lost a not-so-small bright blue sack full of library books. They were due on the 8th. I don't know where else to look. I've even asked the dog. She's not talking. It's pretty sad that the only other solution I can think of is to ask the cats. I really have looked everywhere. Except where they are. Obviously.

This is the 2nd day I've spent enormous amounts of time on the internet. I read so many entertainment news stories yesterday. I found out Johnny Depp is almost blind in one eye, and can't see well out of the other one. So maybe I have a chance with him after all! *fingers crossed*

My friend's daughter is going to start hanging out with us for an hour on Wednesdays and Fridays. Chris is super excited!

It's karate night again. Brenna will miss all week because of youth group rush week. I need to put his equipment back in the trunk. I actually have a lot to do today due to my not doing a damn thing yesterday. oops.

There's a GIANT fly in my house. Prehistorically huge. It keeps flying in front of my face, and it's really pissing me off. I wave and swat at it like crazy every time. Unfortunately I'm not a ninja. A fact that comes back to haunt me more often than you'd think.

I think I'm going to have to call the doctor about my eyes before I rub them out of my face.

I just looked under all the furniture for the books. I looked in the car, and all the rooms.. Behind the desk, furniture and entertainment center.. I'm at a complete loss. *scream*

Zac doesn't want us to go to karate tonight because I need to conserve gas. Well poo. I'll have to think about it.

I have got to sort through my kitchen and figure out some meals. My bathrooms need picked up, and laundry done. I didn't sort through Chris's clothes yet either. He'll have to run through and pick up the living room so I can vacuum because it's his mess. I suppose it's time to get started.

*sad face*

Monday, August 19, 2013


I've had my ringtone stuck in my head.. day and night.. for nearly 2 weeks now. Today after my shower, I found myself kind of dancing to it. I might be losing my mind. It's too soon to tell though.

Tonight is sparring and advanced class. It's been awhile since I've seen Chris decked out in his pads and gear. I need to track down his mouth guard before he can go. I was glad to hear him ask if he could start going to spar again.

Zac titled my blog today. Please direct any lack-of-creativity complaints to him.

Masterchef UK is nowhere near as entertaining as Gordon Ramsay's US version. I am completely bored.

Does anyone besides Sam read this? Just wondering.

I need to get off the computer and finish writing letters. I did go out and find the mouth guard and dug his gear out of the closet.

Random Fact Time.. I don't like butter on my pancakes or waffles.

I can not figure out how to keep my head from itching. I've used a ton of different kinds of shampoos/conditioners, but it's still miserable. It's okay for about an hour after I shower.

I suppose I should go wash a pot to make mac and cheese in. I just decided I'm hungry.

I haven't brushed my teeth yet today. The list grows..

Stale crackers and squirt cheese.. Yummy! Sort of.

My hair is uncomfortably long. It's just past my shoulders, but it's summer, and I hate it.


Well it's 7pm now. I've had this open all day. We skipped karate because Brenna is sick.

I'm off to find supper..

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Farewells, Vacations, School, and waiting for babies..

We lost Chris's dog Reagan to an accident at the end of July. It was really hard to say goodbye.. Especially for Chris. Reagan was his sleeping buddy and protector. Yes, Chris does have another dog, but Freddie is an outside dog, and I have yet to think of a way to house train him so he doesn't pee all over his room at night. So Chris is lonely at night. He's had someone or Reagan to sleep with basically his entire life. Bedtime is a fight.. including a lot of tears. I'm hoping that will settle down.

This summer we went to Colorado for a week to visit Zac's family. That's always a good time! We went to a museum, played cards, and spent a lot of time chatting and watching movies. Chris got pretty good at pitch. Everyone (but me) went to Despicable Me 2 on July 4th since there was a fire ban resulting in no fireworks. My parents saved some for our return, and lit them off when we got home. It was fun to get that time with them.

The kids and I went to Omaha with my parents, John, Jason and Brenna's friend Rebecca for 3 days. Museums, the zoo, Breadeaux Pizza, Melodrama, Mini Golfing (I was the winner of course!), and motel swimming.. And staying in the motel in general was a great time with John's flying squirrel and Jason's spanish channel cartoons.. We picked an excellent day for the zoo! It was cool and rainy.. SO much better than the hotness we usually experience.

The Bright Family Reunion was also a lot of fun! It always nice to see my mom's cousins, and how much the kids have grown. I enjoy listening to Great Aunt Josephine's stories, and there's always good food. It's a long drive, but it's worth it. Josephine is 95 this year! She's an awesome lady!

My daddy just brought me some Dr. Pepper. He rocks.

School. Blah. Brenna is a junior, and Chris is in 2nd grade. He was very excited to start school because he gets to see Austin and Gage. Brenna was not so excited. None of us like to get up early. It's something that never gets easier no matter how long school has been in session. We're just not morning people.. even when we go to bed early..

Zac has moved to 2nd shift. He's not happy about it because now he misses all the kids stuff, and only sees them on weekends. I have to do all the driving to various activities. BUT, I don't have to go to bed at 8pm now, and I like that. I have a chance to unwind in bed watching tv while waiting for my medication to kick in.. It's awesome!

Chris had karate graduation yesterday. He's now a purple belt. There's only one belt separating him and Brenna now.

I cleaned of the "laundry chair" today. Now I have 4 small piles left of clothes to put away. So I was a little productive today. Go me. I still have a lot to do to be ready for a week of school though. Being organized is not my strong point. I'm pretty annoyed that my OCD doesn't make my house straight and sanitized beyond belief. I will straighten the same picture many times a day though. And my cupboard doors are always closed? Let's pretend that counts. I have to go through Chris's clothes sometime. His dresser is overflowing with winter clothes. I know the pants are too short for him. Time to make room for new.. When we can afford it.. So much to do.. And so little motivation to do it..

My friend's daughter is in the hospital while they try to determine if she's having her baby or not. The waiting is making me nuts! I want to see that little boy so bad! It's very exciting :)

I have 3 more medications to get off of. It's still up in the air if I'll be able to sleep or not. I'm hoping my doctors can come up with a solution, but if not I suppose I am willing to just suck it up and nap when I can.

I guess it's time to make Chris come home from grama's and take a shower. I need to go through his backpack, start laundry and get him to eat.

But first I have to get him home.

Wish me luck.