Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October Entertainment..

Day 01 - Introduce yourself - Okay.. I'm Stacy. I'm 36. Married. Mom of 2, trying for #3. I live in Nebraska.
Day 02 – Your first love - Honestly I think this one is going to have to go to Sean
Day 03 – Your parents - Are awesome :) Bill & Nancy.
Day 04 – What you ate today - Chicken Nuggets and mac n cheese
Day 05 – Your definition of love - This is a hard one.. love means accepting someone for who they are and never wanting them out of your life?
Day 06 – Your day - Well considering it's only 4am, my day has consisted of my ankles, feet and nostrils itching too bad to fall asleep, and listening to snoring. I'm watching Spongebob.
Day 07 – Your best friend - Krispi Puff

Day 08 – A moment - Well, the best one of the day was when both of my kids walked in the house from the bus with smiles on their faces!
Day 09 – Your beliefs - That when you do good, you should feel good. And when you do bad, you should feel bad.
Day 10 – What you wore today - thirt and shorts
Day 11 – Your siblings - Brenda & Johnathan
Day 12 – What’s in your bag - Well, the hilites of my purse contents are silly putty, an old day calendar, mashed up gum, about 30 pens and the karate schedule
Day 13 – T his week - I don't really understand what this means.. but this week is karate, scouts, therapy, chas, youth group, chris check up, family fun night, chas and karate
Day 14 – What you wore today - black stretchy capris, bra I'm starting to like, black/grey striped shirt
Day 15 – Your dreams - I haven't been dreaming because that requires sleep
Day 16 – Your first kiss - Is a drunken regret.
Day 17 – Your favorite memory - Christmas morning 1992
Day 18 – Your favorite birthday - Any of them involving my grandparents
Day 19 – Something you regret - The Accident.
Day 20 – This month - Is the most expensive month for school lunches
Day 21 – Another moment - The one where I realized I only regret 3 things
Day 22 – Something that upsets you - Waiting.
Day 23 – Something that makes you feel better - Kiddo smiles
Day 24 – Something that makes you cry - When my kids are sad
Day 25 – A first - Driving without a panic attack
Day 26 – Your fears - windows, zombies, open doors
Day 27 – Your favorite place - I don't have one anymore
Day 28 – Something that you miss - having a smart phone
Day 29 – Your aspirations - to make it out alive
Day 30 – One last moment - holding on to my grama's finger after she died


  1. I've missed some but...
    Day 2--His name was David...the end
    Day 3--Dave & Maggie & Vanessa & Steve
    Day 4--Crap I don't really remember so we'll go with Dt. Coke because I ALWAYS have a diet coke!
    Day 5--"True Love is Friendship Set on Fire"
    Day 6--Exhausting and good but mostly exhausting even though I didn't really do anything. OH...and cold...it was cold.
    Day 7--I would have to say my husband :)

  2. Oh CRAP!! Isn't there a way you could remind me to do this daily?? :)
    Day 8-I'm going to look at the calendar and see what we did that day...that wasn't all that helpful...So my moment is that apparently I took Tai to work!
    Day 9-I believe that I LOVE Stacy's blogs! I also believe in God and that we should all work our hardest to be good to people.
    Day 10-Since it was a Thursday, I would have worked so I think I wore black capris.
    Day 11-April (40), Anitra (forever 36), Shavon (34), JD (24), Robert (20). I also have 2 step-brothers, 1 step-sister, 1 step-sister in-law, 2 brother-in-laws, & 1 almost sister-in-law.
    Day 12-2 cell phones, a wallet, perfume, meds, mints, checkbook, pens (LOTS of pens)
    Day 13-VEGAS BABY!
    Day 14-tan capris, "spermazoid like" tank top, flip flops
    Day 15-My dreams are very realistic and I can't wake up from them which scares the crap out of me.
    Day 16-4th of July, middle of the night, outside my tent when I was 13
    Day 17-my favorite memory would be giving birth to Treyson. (I was asleep when Tai was born and I was scared when G was born)
    Day 18-my 30th birthday. Steve threw me a surprise party and it was so cool.
    Day 19-Something I won't say on here but you know
    Day 20-Used to be my favorite month and now it's not
    Day 21-Realizing that as much as I love and miss my sister, I am still living and will continue to still live
    Day 22-See day 21...that and when my boss is a big dummy head

  3. Day 23-Sleep makes me feel better. Listening to my kids' conversations makes me feel better. Reading Stacy's blog makes me feel better!
