Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Those were the days..

I've started re-reading my friend Frog's blog from the beginning, and I've realized a few things.. One being that I *really* enjoy reading about myself?

My feet and legs are finally starting to heal. Granted I'm still getting bitten and they itch like all hell 93% of the time.. But they're no longer bleeding and itching like all hell 100% of the time. So yeah, improvement is our friend.

Minus .. well nearly everything about yesterday (which I still feel is "today" since I haven't slept yet) .. It was amazing. If you're Sam, you're probably wondering how this is possible.. So I'll try to explain..

I've been going through old files and letters looking for my kid/family stories to post on the new blog for awhile now, and it's made me rethink about my life in general. Like when I was babysitting for a "job".. and had Kenyon.. etc .. and how much I seriously LOVED those kids and making them my life.. And of course my Keenan (wow so many "K" babies in my past) who I hear is now making his mama crazy with his teenaged self, but he'll always be my silly girly giggling baby boy.. I ultimately decided to include them in my "family story" history. It made me happy, yet sad, because they've all gotten "taken" from me.. I know they're still around, but they're no longer a part of my every day life. Yes, I have my own kids to torture and embarrass, but I like *have* to love them.. I mean they're MY kids.. Of course I honestly do love them with everything I am.. But there's something different about falling in love with kids that aren't your offspring.. Like you're choosing to love them.. Does that make sense?

So yeah, my "babies" are getting old, and I'm not a big influence on them anymore.. and I rarely get to see them.. But we're still connected, and they don't try to object when I "remind" them that I am their favorite.

Earlier yesterday I was reading, and feeling down because they're so far away.. And then it happened.

I stopped in to get the mail, and my cousin was unloading the car. We waved at her, and I continued going through mail.. When I put the left overs back in the box I happened to look back up at them, and her baby was waving at me. And then her daughter was running and waving too.

Something just clicked. Sure my babies were gone now, but I live next door to two awesome girls that I have somehow just not let myself know. Yeah they live in a house I can never step foot into again, but that's still not a good excuse. And Ashley's kids are out here now.. And Holly's grandson.. There are a ton of beautiful children at my disposal that have yet to be corrupted by awesome Aunt Stacy!

I need to sort things out so I can start making more fantastic memories.

Ok, there ends the emotional content of this post. I blame PMS. Or maybe it's cuz I'm drunk at 7:24am on a week day? I meant to post this before I started drinking last night though. I just didn't get around it. Chris wanted to watch Kick Buttowski and eat popcicles.That was more important than making you read about my feelings. And then I had a huge meltdown.

At this point I'd like to apologize to one friend, and say OMG THANK YOU! to another. I'll let you guys figure it out for yourselves.

I'm hoping Chris doesn't crash at school today. He came in at 3:30am (right when I had decided to try to sleep) because of a nightmare, and when I decided to give up on sleep and continue drinking at 3:45 I found him wide awake and wanting a sandwich. So I didn't make him try to go back to sleep. We hung out and watched cartoons.

Which brings me to my next question..

What do you find yourself doing now that you have kids that you NEVER thought in a thousand zillion years you'd ever do?

My answer? Utilizing mustard and miracle whip.

Seriously people, that's the sort of things nightmares are based on.

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