Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Big Fat Hairy Deal.

In grade school my pony tails were so thick that I could only wrap a scrunchie (yay 80's!) around it twice. I hated all my hair. It was always so hard to brush through. I had so much of it that when I cut my head open the ER doctor just used it to tie the wound closed instead of giving me stitches.

Long. Thick. Wavy. Poor me, right?

Towards the end of high school there was a little less of it, though I didn't really notice it at the time.

It wasn't until Brenna was a year or so old that I realized I was having to clean my hairbrush out after nearly every time I brushed my hair. I started showing my mom. She suggested I ask my doctor about it. We knew lots of women's hair thins out after having a baby, and that was the conclusion my doctor came to also.

I continued complaining about it, and making my mom look at the masses of hair I was throwing out, and eventually she called my doctor herself and let him know that she didn't think it was "normal".

One scalp biopsy later I found out I have the female equivalent of male pattern baldness.

Seriously? Nice.

I'm just bringing this up tonight because after my bath I found I was trying to brush it in a way that showed the least scalp?


Yeah, this is my reality now.

I can't stop staring at it. It's a bummer for sure.

On another hair related note, I shaved tonight. It was really like 3-4 months overdue.

Between the insanely long gorilla hair I removed from my body, and what falls out of my head.. The poor drain doesn't stand a chance?

..and I'm off to my mom's to switch laundry!

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