Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Big Fat Hairy Deal.

In grade school my pony tails were so thick that I could only wrap a scrunchie (yay 80's!) around it twice. I hated all my hair. It was always so hard to brush through. I had so much of it that when I cut my head open the ER doctor just used it to tie the wound closed instead of giving me stitches.

Long. Thick. Wavy. Poor me, right?

Towards the end of high school there was a little less of it, though I didn't really notice it at the time.

It wasn't until Brenna was a year or so old that I realized I was having to clean my hairbrush out after nearly every time I brushed my hair. I started showing my mom. She suggested I ask my doctor about it. We knew lots of women's hair thins out after having a baby, and that was the conclusion my doctor came to also.

I continued complaining about it, and making my mom look at the masses of hair I was throwing out, and eventually she called my doctor herself and let him know that she didn't think it was "normal".

One scalp biopsy later I found out I have the female equivalent of male pattern baldness.

Seriously? Nice.

I'm just bringing this up tonight because after my bath I found I was trying to brush it in a way that showed the least scalp?


Yeah, this is my reality now.

I can't stop staring at it. It's a bummer for sure.

On another hair related note, I shaved tonight. It was really like 3-4 months overdue.

Between the insanely long gorilla hair I removed from my body, and what falls out of my head.. The poor drain doesn't stand a chance?

..and I'm off to my mom's to switch laundry!

Eyeball Icepack.

..and I just found one. Now if I had a drone to deliver it immediately, life would be grand.

Eyeball Icepack 

The cold I have isn't super bad or anything, but it's kicking my butt anyway. I'm happy Zac went to town, so I can leave the door open in 26 degree weather without being harped at.

I'm hot, okay? Really. Stinkin. Hot.

I'm loving the idea of having nowhere to go today. No driving, no visitors. Possible nap. Obligatory Bathing. Clean Sweep Through The Living Room, I guess. Ehh, Maybe laundry. Alright so I have a lot to DO, but I'm not going to town. And I'm going to love every second of it.

I found a smartphone on clearance at Target the other day. It has like no internal storage, but came with a 4gb mini card. It's not too impressive, but for $24 I like it. I have to wait a couple more weeks before I switch to it because I will have to change to a different plan which is only $5 more, so it's all good. I had issues with my last smartphone not getting reception (anywhere), so I'm hoping this one will work out.

Chris had the Cub Scouts Derby Car Races last night. He got 2nd in the first 2 races, and 1st in the last 4 races. He was pretty excited!


The game of the year has been UNO. Chris and I have invented a few different ways to play it. He didn't get up and around soon enough to have a game this morning, so I'm looking forward to a match up after school. He's got some tricky skills, and keeps me on my toes.

Toothpaste was on sale for $1 at Kmart the other day. Yep, my life is that exciting.

We got a laptop fixed for me. It's so nice to have a big screen again! I love my tablet, but yay for computers.

I am so ready for a nap. My eyes hurt when they're open. My sinuses are trying to suck them into my brain. So far there's no coughing or fever. Hopefully I don't give it to Chris. He's really into getting the perfect attendance award at school this year.

I haven't heard an update on my mom-in-law lately, but I'm very upset with her doctor(s), and the state of Colorado in general. They're giving the cancer too much time to spread. They need to get on it ASAP. I should find out who I need to call to raise hell.

Alright, um, laters.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Oh Wow.

I am tired. But not just tired, it's a weird tired. No, I'm not acting weird cuz I'm tired.. It's just intense for no reason? I'm not sure how to explain it.

We'll be skipping karate tonight. I still have to go to town though. I've got a little running around to do, and then picking up Brenana.

I've decided it's time to clean the living room again. I am already sick of fighting Chris about it. I told him to pick up his stuff in here, and he started organizing the pantry. Hmm.

My house is really hot today. Uncomfortably hot. I might have to fix that.

I shall have beans on toast please.

Break time. I almost found the couch.

Damn, the school lunch account is negative $32. Oops. Glad Zac gets paid tomorrow.

Aw shit, I forgot about the macaroni. I'll be back later. 

I guess it saves a step if all the water boils off before you remember to go strain it. Noted.

I know everyone has this problem, but there is so not enough room in my house. I keep getting rid of stuff, but it just never ends! I don't know where it comes from!

I looked up puppies this morning. No, I'm not getting one. I just wanted to see what's out there. I still need to get Freddie fixed. And more shots. And Kayla needs her nails clipped. I really need to learn how to do that myself. Or make Michelle drive all the way here to :)

I wish I knew why my dog is such a bitch.

I should probably go buy some Drano.

We have a broken bathtub in our yard. Classy.

I need to take my cousin's beer to him.

But first, I guess I will take care of clothes.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


The other night at my friend's house the kids put on shows for us. I'm trying to upload videos, so we'll see how that goes.

7 year olds are crazy dancers.

Anyway, my point is that I don't think Chris has ever done that sort of thing before. I've sat through magic shows, and karate graduations.. but choreographed dance to an entire song? Not so much.

It was pretty cute though. He fell on his back a lot during his more "intense" moves.

I just really can't believe he wanted to practice, and perform something in front of us. That's not his normal behavior. And in front of Kristi and John too! I was kind of proud that he was willing. He's not necessarily shy, just.. hmm.. I guess if you know him, you understand.

Kristi's daughter and her friend also did a dance show. I love watching her do cartwheels!

Well, I want to put the links to the videos up here, so I've got a few hours to kill while they upload. I think it's nap time.

Okay, here's the link.. Dancing Chris

I got a free bag of Doritos.

I love OnStar. It's my friend.

I did my good deed for the week. Maybe for the year. It's really too soon to tell.

So.. The first day back to school after break.  It sure is quiet. It wasn't as traumatic as I envisioned to have to get up at 6am again. Though I got up to a flooded bathroom. "Unfortunately" it's my job to get kids up and ready for school, so I was FORCED to wake Zac up so he could mop up water :)

Chris went to bed at 10pm. Got up at 2am. I sent him back to bed. Then he was up at 3am. I let him stay up and watch TV. I sorta figured he'd fall back to sleep in the recliner, but I was wrong! He was up drawing when I came out. So it was an easy morning because he was up and around. I like it when that happens because I don't have to fight him to stay awake and get ready. I'm guessing he'll be tired when he gets home.

It's 5pm now. He's not acting tired. We have scouts tonight. I wonder where I put his book.

Alright. It's 11:19pm. I have an issue to bitch about, but I'll save it for another day. I'm headed to bed!