Wednesday, March 14, 2012

That's what I thought.

*checks mirror* Yep, my bangs are still retarded.

This post is going to take all day because I don't really have anything to talk about. Well, I suppose I always have something to talk about; it just doesn't appear to be fitting into a specific category. Maybe it does. I don't know. I'm not really paying attention. I'm trying to halfway pay attention to the DVRed American Idol Zac is watching.

We watched The Biggest Loser before this, and it made me remember 2 things.
1. I hate Jessica Simpson.
2. I'm fat.
Oh, and a bonus:
3. I don't want to go rock climbing.

I won't be graphic, but judging by what keeps happening in the bathroom - I think my anatomy has randomly and drastically changed.

I have to drive today. I lost a bottle of my anxiety medication, so grr all around.

What's new, you ask? We now go to church, and we have a new puppy.  One is good. One is annoying, but cute as hell. Did I say "church" and "hell" in the same paragraph? oops.

I have about 20 minutes until I have to drive. I'm freaking out. Even Spongebob isn't helping. More like 10 really. Not helping. Okay, I'm going to get ready.


Alright, I'm back. And I forgot my book in the car. Which could be a good thing since I'll need it tomorrow. I'll probably forget it. I better just leave it out there.

I need to clean today. At least fold clothes. I could start packing. That's another thing my lack of anxiety meds is going to kick my ass on. I suppose I should start the list process.

I want to see Mirror, Mirror.

Zac starts his vacation tomorrow. I am sooooo happy he will be here to drive us around. Oh, and I suppose his company is alright too.

I lost my son for the evening. He's over at grampa's working off the ice cream he bought him.

I should start laundry. I should do anything other than sit here and watch Spongebob. Have I mentioned how much I hate hate hate this weather? Gimme some clouds before I melt!

I could really use a Klonopin right now. I can't seem to get all the way settled down from being out. I'm shaky, so I typo a lot. My pinkie finger is exhausted.

I love having a place to store towels, sheets and blankets. I don't know how I managed without it. I should wash towels. I folded clothes though, so stop hounding me already! I guess I could put them away. I may pack away Chris's warmer clothes when we get back from Colorado. Most of them anyway.

Chris just streaked through the house.

Okay, I'm off to start laundry.


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