Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I couldn't be a teenager.

I'm pretty sure Zac wanted me to put his socks and shoes on, and take the trash to my dad's myself... but no, I didn't.

I'm not a nice person.  Not really. I will help someone, if it's convenient for me. But I'm not one to go out of my way to be a good neighbor.

Give you a can of soup, yes. Babysit, I doubt it.

I couldn't go back to being a teenager for this reason.  Many, many other reasons as well, but mainly this one.

Teens need attention.  They get sad when you ignore them for a boyfriend.  Friendships break up because of silly drama.  Drama period. Too much drama. Ug, drama.

My friends know I'm not good about hanging out.  We go a week or two without talking.  But they also know that I love them more than crack, and get so excited my toes twitch when I hear from them.

Things were so different when I was little.  If I didn't get a note back in study hall, or didn't talk to a friend all day, it was tragic stuff.

I don't have the energy for that much dedication anymore.  I love my friends.  But, well, there are no buts.. I just love them.

It's okay if they put their family and husbands before me.  That's life.  Now it is, anyway.

When did I get old?

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