Five years makes a lot of difference. I didn't really have a point for this blog, but sometimes I take a look at that picture, and just have my mind blown that they're so old now.
Which in turn makes me old.
Well, old-ish.
We might go dress shopping tonight for Brenna. If grama gets off work in time. It needs done before all my money is gone.
I also Must Must Must buy at least some milk. I have a list of things we need to pick and choose from while I'm at the store. Like yogurt. And chicken nuggets.
I think I might actually be cold today. I shall go turn off the AC.
I was in town all morning, so I haven't planned out what I'm doing today yet. I should get on that.
OH! And what a difference an hour makes for bedtime. I was an hour behind getting Chris in bed last night, and he was even more terribly, incredibly, severely hard to wake up this morning. In my defense, I was getting fresh bedding on the beds, and making supper for myself and Brenna.. but yeah, I won't (hopefully) be making that mistake again. *cringe*
I'm glad it's a weekend now. Well, not RIGHT now, but you know what I mean.
I want to upload videos to Facebook, but I'm not that patient.
I'm glad they're bringing back Cabbage Patch Kids. Just plain ones.. not ones with teeth, or salon whatevers. Just CPK. Mine's name was Lena, but I changed it to Elizabeth. She's still over at my mom's. Random info.
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