Thursday, September 29, 2011

Big Plans

"Did you do this? this? this? this?" ... "no, but you didn't either."

At least that's what I wanted to say.

It's to do list time again. I've got a massive one, and 4 rooms left to analyze.  I am estimating it to be around 500 tasks so far.  Yeah, I get detailed. That way I can cross more off, and feel like I'm accomplishing more.  It keeps my motivation up?  Massively detailed lists take a lot of effort themselves, so it's taken me a few days just to get this far.

And it's exhausting, actually.

Chris and I can't get his bed apart.  I suppose we'll have to haul it over to grampa's to have him work his magic on it. Regardless there will be no more kiddo bed in my room, and I think I'm going to rearrange it today.

I want to finish my list first though.

I just checked and it has 522 tasks on it.  I still have the kids' rooms, and the small bathroom to add to it. And the lawn/deck etc.

I haven't really done anything today. I slept a lot. I'm hoping Chris will help me do some stuff later. I think I'm going to throw a lot of socks away.  And go through shoes. I need Zac to go through his socks, and decide what he wants to keep. I'm sick of having 890234 unmatched socks laying around.

Other news.. Certainly I can hook up a tv and wii all by myself, right? I am going to try to get the controllers to work. Another goal for the day. But that requires moving a dresser. And that requires clearing out the corner of my room with all the blankets. And that requires motivation.

I'd really rather play with my son.

I'm being asked to do something that makes every fiber of my being scream in protest, but Zac's family can't help that one member is psychotastic, right? yeah.

Hmm, mom is home. I think we'll go over there!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Laundry & GPS

I have been behind on laundry for quite some time. Years. I estimated about 3 of them to be exact, but folding the last load really put the figure more at around 4-5. I was folding baby shorts, and there were tons of baby socks. I also came across maternity clothes. I find it disturbing that I wore them while carrying a nine and a half pound baby inside me, but they're too small for my fat ass now.

Not funny.  Disturbing.

But back to the happy news. I am finally down to current laundry. The huge mountain of backlog is gone. If I can pound out another 2 loads today, I will be totally caught up!  Don't get excited though because to do that I'd have to give in and pick up all of Zac's dirty clothes from the floor next to (NEXT TO) the hamper.  I don't know that I have that in me.  Oh don't look surprised - We all know I'm petty and stubborn like that.

Speaking of things you probably all know.. I dropped my phone in the toilet last week, and am the new owner of a Blackberry.  I'd like to say I hate it (for reasons unknown to me), but I'm in love with it.  Mostly because it keeps track of my appointments, and the texting is set up the way I like it.

OH! And the GPS. The most annoying, yet fascinating thing ever!

Hmm. I've got to get up and fold clothes, so the ones in the washer will fit in there when they're done. My life is that exciting.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Laundry and Chicken.

This was my facebook status earlier..

"Did I clean today? Ah yes, look at the top of my washer glistening with the sprinkling of 3 months of lint dust, and rejoice, for you can see the top of the washing machine."

There may be an extra comma in there.

Chris got invited to his first friend sleep over today. He's very excited, and counting down the days already.

I bought a Bible the other day. $45. If that doesn't show dedication to the Lord, I don't know what does? hehe. It's not just a Bible, it's a Bible arranged into chronological order. I'm hoping this will help in satisfying my need to find a shred of comfort. Though like I told Mark, I'm probably going to need family trees and charts in addition to this new found timeline. Something has got to make sense sometime, right?

Chris needs medicine in a few minutes. Then I need some in a half hour. Then I'll take some at 7. Then he takes some around 8.

Ug, what's for supper? I should think about that soon. Oh wait! I think there's chicken left. Hooray!

Alright. I'm off to do more laundry crap.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Shhh... Continued.

So Chris is camping at the dam with grampa. There's feeding fish, a tin boat, the camper.. Fun Times!

But gosh it's even quieter at night when he's not here.

I had 3 "less than mini" candy bars, and some pickles for supper.

I'm out of some of my medications because we forgot to pick them up yesterday.

My house is hot. Not super hot, but hot enough that I am not as happy as I was before I turned the a/c off. It's not awful. But I might turn it back on just to take the edge off before bed. It's only 57 outside. What the heck? I should want the heat on!

I think that wraps it up for tonight. I'm distracted by That 70s Show, and can't remember what I was going to write.



It's quiet. Chris is at mom's. Brenna is in the bath. I just turned the a/c fan off. For the first time since we got back from NC on July 10th? It's broken. The a/c works, but dad and Jarrod had to rig it up so the fan never goes off. Or something. Well after paying a $300 electric bill yesterday, we've tossed around the idea of nixing that. And right on cue it's cloudy and rainy.. low of 41 even! So I'm more on board than if it was still in the 90s. I can't stand being hot. I hate it worse than mustard. And that's a lot.

I called Chris's bus friend's dad today because he's been really excited about going over there to play Wii. It's a holiday weekend, so of course they're busy every day, but we'll get something set up eventually. Chris was heartbroken he couldn't go today. I mean seriously heartbroken! It was sad, but luckily Brenna is good at cheering him up. Zac and I couldn't get him to stop crying, but she did in like 30 seconds. Talent.

There is nothing going on on Facebook today. Everyone must be doing the football crap. I'd like to care about it, but I don't.

I need to shower. And clean the shower. And exercise. And clean the living room floor so I have room to exercise. Probably not all in that order.

Maybe some lunch first.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Then and Now.

Five years makes a lot of difference. I didn't really have a point for this blog, but sometimes I take a look at that picture, and just have my mind blown that they're so old now.

Which in turn makes me old.

Well, old-ish.

We might go dress shopping tonight for Brenna. If grama gets off work in time. It needs done before all my money is gone.

I also Must Must Must buy at least some milk. I have a list of things we need to pick and choose from while I'm at the store. Like yogurt. And chicken nuggets.

I think I might actually be cold today. I shall go turn off the AC.

I was in town all morning, so I haven't planned out what I'm doing today yet. I should get on that.

OH! And what a difference an hour makes for bedtime. I was an hour behind getting Chris in bed last night, and he was even more terribly, incredibly, severely hard to wake up this morning. In my defense, I was getting fresh bedding on the beds, and making supper for myself and Brenna.. but yeah, I won't (hopefully) be making that mistake again. *cringe*

I'm glad it's a weekend now. Well, not RIGHT now, but you know what I mean.

I want to upload videos to Facebook, but I'm not that patient.

I'm glad they're bringing back Cabbage Patch Kids. Just plain ones.. not ones with teeth, or salon whatevers. Just CPK. Mine's name was Lena, but I changed it to Elizabeth. She's still over at my mom's. Random info.



Thursday, September 1, 2011


Well, that's THE shelf. It's above my washer/dryer. It's where I keep the blankets, sheets, towels, and pillow cases. And apparently grass seed, a gallon of paint, a swing set part, and a sewer's measuring tape thing rolled up and tied together by a used dryer sheet. I know this because I just had to figure out how to put the giant laundry soap thing we bought up there.

I did that instead of folding the clothes I took out of the dryer. I put clothes in the dryer though. Didn't so much start it, but they're in there. I started another load of laundry too. But it's not what I needed to wash, so I'll have to do more. Grr.

Chris is going to put a pirate tattoo on me. Ok, mission accomplished. Arrrgh.

It's 2 hours later. Maybe 2 and a half.

I sent my son over to my mom's with 2 frozen waffles, per his request.

I will have money tomorrow! Until I give it all to Zac to pay bills, and buy groceries. *tear*

I've completely forgotten what else I was going to write. I'm watching Brenna try to take her tank top off without taking the top shirt off. And she's spouting jibberish, and it's really funny to me.

HAHA! She's the first to need it, so she has to dig the stain stick out from behind the washing machine!

Darnit, I need to make supper.

If I have to clean...

...I may as well make it fun.

Today I will change bedding, making sure to put the pink frilly flower pillow cases on Zac's pillows instead of my own.

Today I will clean the toilet, finding out if mixing toilet cleaner with the new blue water will create toxic fumes.

I also plan on doing laundry, but I haven't figured out how to make that interesting. I put dishes away, and that was pretty boring too. Folding clothes.. eh.. I don't know.

Hey! Who put stuff on the tv? I had that cleaned off.

My family is really working against me on this whole "live in a clean house" crusade.

Aww it's 3pm, and my little man isn't here to watch Curious George with me. I think that's what I miss the most about him being gone all day. I haven't turned off the timer that automatically turns it to this channel for it yet.

Well.. time to get back to work.. or shower.. I haven't really decided yet.