Anyway, this opens up much bigger doors for me. And trust me, when it comes to doors, I need fairly wide ones.
Chris had a doctor appointment today to find out why he's been battling (Is that how you spell it? It looks dumb) a fever for the last 5 weeks.
First was the physical exam which was a piece of cake, and actually made him giggle a bit.
Next was the blood work. *cringe*. I'll skip that because I don't care to relive it. They were doing 10 different tests, and they needed a LOT.
Then he got to pee in a cup. Fun times. He's an excellent aimer! I had no idea. He thought the whole thing was neat, and really liked putting the cup of pee in the little compartment. That's always my favorite part too.
On to x-ray where he rocked the lead apron, and enjoyed getting his picture taken over and over. He said it was fun to have his shirt off in town. Should I be scared? The lady let him keep one of the "mess ups", and now I have to find a place to hang it.
We went back to the room to wait (we'd been there pushing 2 hours now), and turns out he has a bad bladder infection, and all they really needed to do was the urine analysis. Grr.
So now we have an answer for the 5 weeks of fevers. If only Urgent Care would have done a pee test when we were there in July.
Zac went clear back to Kearney to take his sister a necklace. He was just complaining about our lack of gas this morning. We have to go to town on Friday anyway. On Friday, when we can afford to fill up with gas. So yeah. But what do I know?
What was my point? Oh yeah, I don't want to get up, and fill my glass with ice. I was just up running around a half hour when Chris got home getting him a snack, and putting his friend's number in the phone, and whatever else kept me off my butt for awhile. And I forgot to do it.
I'm off my game today. It's hard to stay focused. Yes, I know it's cuz I forgot my morning meds for 4 days. Shh. That's not like me either. At least not lately - I've been really good about taking them. I think this new school schedule has me messed up a little. Yeah, let's go with that.
I think I want a Slushy Magic.
Chris got his first phone number from a new friend from school today. Well, I think it's a friend on the bus really, but it still counts, and he's so excited! He even had to program it in the phone himself.
Time for a last random picture.
okay then. It added it at the top, and I have no clue how to get it off of here. Oh well!
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