My dad has some fish next to the couch down here.. where I spend most of my time rocking babies and whatever. One picks up and spits out rocks constantly, and even though I tell him repeatedly that "fish aren't supposed to be so noisy", it just continues to do it.
I have a lot to write, but nothing to write all at the same time. How does that work?
Maybe I'm just a little annoyed that I'm not taking a nap since the babies are down.
I'm waiting for a call back from the nurse though. The phone would wake me up when she calls, but then I'd be in a half awake stupor trying to remember why I needed to talk to her.
I also want to color.
I have a slight headache.
I am annoyed with many things today.
I'm going to have to go to a dermatologist for my weird blister/itchy mess I think. I'm waiting for a call back on that too.
Vacations are over. School is going to start. ICK. I just don't want it to happen.
I think that nap is going to happen now though. It's been a long morning.