Thursday, May 15, 2014


So Chris will put seasoned salt on anything. ANYTHING.

My recliner is popping and thumping and squeaking, and OMG WHAT IS BEEPING?? It needs to stop. I guess I should get up and figure that out. But is 4:30am, and I'm crazy tired. Getting up really doesn't sound like a good time.

Is it sad that I'm pretty excited that I'm getting a new blood sugar checker tomorrow?

It's been like a month since I started this entry. I've gotten 2 checkers since. And a new chair. Not having a computer seriously messes with my motivation to blog. But I will be rich someday, and a new laptop will be mine!! Wait, I'm having twins. So that's a lie.

I haven't thrown up in TWO days though, and that's got me feeling a little like I've won the lottery.

It's hot. Too grossly hot. I don't complain about the cold during winter, so I feel I have every right to bitch constantly about any weather that includes temperatures over 65 degrees.

Chris has been playing monkey ball for 2 hours now. And guess what? I don't care. He worked a lot yesterday, and I'm sure as hell not going to shove him outside all afternoon when it's hell-hot out there.. Though I will make him go out and give his dog a couple treats later I guess. But still. My point is that he's got a free pass to sit on his butt and play video games all day today.

I have so much to do before we leave for Colorado. I'll worry about it Monday. This weekend there is too much partying to be done!

I think it might be nap time.

Why yes, yes it is.