Wednesday, August 29, 2012

EMDR - Day 1

Okay, I still never asked for what it stands for, but it seems to be a little intense. I mean we started talking about my fear of windows, and 20 seconds later I'm crying over my dead grama.

*blink*  .. what?

All from someone tapping on my knees.

Ah well, I'm sure whatever happens needs to happen. But seriously.. what?

I bought a memory card for the wii today with my $18 refund check from the eye doctor.  Only to find out it's the one for the game cube part of it we need. So I stole Brenna's.

Hey, sometimes you gotta pick favorites...  hehe just kidding Brenna! (or am i..)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I *just* had it..

My mind, that is

I've not been on much recently because my eyes changed, and I'm waiting to get new glasses. Blurriness sucks.

I've been watching Spongebob, solid, since 9:30am.

I'm sick of coughing. Chris is still sick too.

It's karate night. I don't want to go. I want to send everyone away, and try to nap.

Zac working days is kind of weird.

Brenna's taking out the trash. YAY!

Rollin, rollin, rollin..

Chris is doing my Draw free, so sorry, adam, carla and roberta..

I'm losing weight again, so woo!

That looks like "so WOOL" to me. Just sharing.

Maybe I should find something to eat.  Cottage cheese it is!

..all I know for now..


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Quotes from the fam

"I was just informed that the Hulk could beat all the world if he just got a big metal sword." ~Zac

"The only way we can refrain from crying is crocheting headbands." ~Zac

"I was just chastised for not being cuddly. He said 'I kept leaning against you and that's good news!'" ~Zac

"..and that was my first encounter with a lifeguard.." ~Kendra

"You can't play horseshoes with a crutch!" ~my mom

"Antelope! I knew they existed!" ~John

"Dad's flipping the U-ies!" ~John

"Rumble bars, let's bring it on!" ~Chris

"At least I fart 30 times a day." ~Chris

"Well, that does help my comfort problem." ~Chris

"Don't act drunk in a museum." ~Me