It's no secret. I went back to the looney bin for a couple of weeks. I hadn't been there in a year and a half. I really met some interesting people, and a couple new friends this time. I'd tell you about them all, but I know I don't want anyone writing about ME on here, so just know that they were a whole range of different.
Someone asked for me to post a picture of my arms and legs, but uh no thanks.
My brain is on overdrive, and I feel very weird.
But, while on a random visit to GI, Zac bought me a cheap little necklace, and since I've had it on I just feel safer. Plus I've got my engagement ring, and mother's ring on my hands.. and when I told him it was all comforting in some weird way he picked out toe rings and ankle bracelets for me. He has plans to get earrings as well, but we're way out of money.
Only because he hasn't seen any of the unemployment money he is supposed to get while college is out of session. And well, I keep spending all my money.
We've had to use our honeymoon fund to pay bills this month. Booo.
Chris needs an "off" button. He does not stop talking. He makes me laugh a lot though.
Some peace would be nice though, for reals. Totally for reals.
The kids are out of school, so I'm happy to not have to get up at 5:45am for awhile. I do, however, have to get up at 7am, 9am, and 11am if Chris isn't up yet to take my meds.. followed by the next set at 2pm, 5pm and 8pm.. yeah, I have to take a handful of pills 6 times a day.
SIX times a day.
Did you know they don't seem to make pill holders that are 6-times-a-day friendly?
I had to buy a bigger purse.
I'm totally ready for bed now. I had coke today. And donuts. And for sure if you're trying to lose weight, coke and donuts is always the way to go!
Um my son just crawled on the arm of the recliner, and rested his hand on my boob. Um. I removed it, but didn't say anything.. made him get up and push play on the dvd player.. and he crawled back up here and rested his head on my boob. And then announced that his head was on my boob. Sometimes he's a weirdo. And a tad creepy.
We found a picture of Jesus at the goodwill store while we were looking for books for my psychiatric fiasco, and we just decided to get it. Chris hung it up on the screw by the door. It was $6.00.. and says so in permanent marker on the corner above his head. (We haven't bothered to try to get it off yet) (I feel kinda dirty talking about "getting it off" when talking about The Son Of God.) So anyway, we left Brenna home in charge of Chris the other day, and before I shut the door I told her to make sure she was good because "six dollar Jesus" is watching her.
I'm not religious, so I give myself permission to giggle about it.